[LEARN] Online language learning

3 min readFeb 9, 2020


As one of my goals for the year 2020 is clearing TOPIK II (a Korean test), I decided to try online learning after my 2 years of self-study without much success.

Background: I picked up Korean and had proper training in a Korean language centre for 2 years and spent another 2 years self study (on and off). I aimed for TOPIK II but when I took mock test, I really struggled to hit level 4. So I decided to change my learning method.

Decisions: I don’t really like the idea of going back to school as the timing is too rigid. I don’t have problem with commitment but going to school every Saturday really puts a black mark in my schedule.

My teacher: I searched online and found italki — a platform that connects me with tutors. Every tutor in italki comes with hourly price, reviews, course types and an introduction video. This really helps me to get a feel of the teacher. I decided to go with a tutor at USD25/hour (which is 2 hours of me going to centre). Expensive but I decided to give it a try.

My experience

Before class: I signed up for a TOPIK preparation class. I communicated with the teacher before class, sharing with her my background and what I wanted to achieve in this class. She gave me a set of mock tests that I could try out before we met.

During class: We went through each question and she would correct my answers (if wrong) or my pronunciation or answer any question I had. If there was any special grammar or vocabulary to take note, she would teach me.

After class: For subsequent classes, she shared with me some homework for the next lesson. I finished them. And same routine happened during class.

What’s good

Time: I like the fact that the schedule is flexible so I engage her twice every month, which fits into my hectic workload. I usually schedule for 9am class weekday so I have my weekend free. This will never happen if I study at center. With this arrangement, USD25/hour is actually cheap or on par compared to my previous option.

Customised class: I could ask questions that are specific to my level, my knowledge and get tailored teaching. This is always the perk of tutoring. And I think it’s really helpful for me because in centre, I’m always overwhelmed and speechless by my outstanding classmates.

What’s not so good

Listening content: As I’m taking TOPIK preparation class so we need to go through reading, writing and listening materials. Of these 3, listening is the hardest as we couldn’t waste time listening to every single question. In the end, the teacher just gave me answers and asked if I had any questions. So it’s actually same as we do reading test.

New words: Due to this new teaching method, I remembered any grammar or vocabulary that the teacher explained in details. But any general new words that I searched on my own refused to go to my brain.

In conclusion

I like this new experience. I feel not alone in the journey of conquering TOPIK.

I personally think cost wise, online learning is better for test preparation where 2 sides (teacher and student) are pro-active in making the class tailored to me. On the other hand, in structured course, student is always in position of receiving knowledge and teacher does most of the talking. To get a class tailored to their level, it requires more time than just 1 hour.

