[WGO] A day for myself

3 min readSep 13, 2020


For the past few weeks, I really spent so much time working: Working at night and weekend. I feel my energy draining lower and lower. Everyday, I told myself to just wake up, go through the day and come back at it tomorrow. However, I feel I missed out something, maybe my heart in everything I do. I’m not sure if I should say I’m burnt out, because I can still go through the drill but with hesitation.

I feel I owe myself a day that it wants. And no, I’m not talking about self-care all day. I integrate self-care routines from skin care to yoga everyday. Maybe the way to describe it could be this is a day that I do things that are beneficial for me, for the organisation, for the situation I’m in. Let’s leave it at that for now.

7:15am: I woke up, brushed my teeth and went through my haircare and skincare routine. The current routine is pretty minimalist and natural. I’m loving myself more and more after putting effort into skincare (and just a tiny bit of makeup). My skin and hair is healthier and looks better, of course.

7:30am: I prepared breakfast for me and Dennis. We usually eat smoothie for breakfast for the past months under quarantine. It turns out to be a quick and healthy and not-get-bored-soon breakfast option.

7:45am — 8:30am: I went back to sleep. I slept at 12.30+ yesterday so I really need 8 hours of sleep.

8:30am — 9:30am: Woke up again, meditated and made smoothie (i.e. blended it out). I made my bed, cleaned my house briefly and folded my clothes. That really took me 1 good hour, but I felt good. I love cleanliness so I find every chance to clean my surroundings.

9:30am — 10:00am: Yoga time.

10:00am — 11:00am: Updated my medium blog. Finally, I sent an email to Medium to ask why my account was under investigation for so long. I suspected it was because all my posts were unlisted. And maybe let me thing what should I do for the rest of my day.

11:00am — 1:00pm: A combination of work, lunch and a great video about PM myths shared by Inez. Work has been a joke to me so far. I’m not sure what the root cause is. I felt procrastinated and I did procrastinate. I had my to-do list in priority but I just either started half way or didn’t want to start. I feel obliged to do other small tasks, to answer people’s questions, to perfect other processes I started. I feel obliged to talk to people and explain things to people with different mindsets / logical capability that I find convincing is a waste of time if we are not looking at the same direction at first. It’s hard to pin point to something. That’s a reason why I took today off to really be still and see what I have to do.

1:00pm — 1:45pm: I read few chapters of “Eat Pray Love” had a good nap

2:00pm — 6:00pm: I was full force on my add-on “Freshsales GSheet Connector”. I found an issue that the editor couldn’t set the trigger and thought the issue was in the trigger. It turned out to be something else. Coding taught me to be more logical and not to take things at surface level. I was writing this at 8:00pm and I was still testing the solution. It might work and might not. But the good thing was I knew what the problem was.

6:00–8:00pm: I did a bit of meal prep the other day so tonight cooking was light and breezy. We ate beef spaghetti, watched a comedy show in Youtube and finished up with rock melon. It was a good day so far.

8:00pm — 8:30pm: I replied some Slack comments and was still waiting for the the add-on test result. Hope it worked. I would treat myself a “Psycho but it’s okay” episode later.

8:30pm — 10:00pm: I was done with “Psycho but it’s okay” ep 4. I ran 2 tests. 1 worked and the other 1 didn’t. Not sure of the reason

10:00pm — 11:00pm: Finished few more chapters of Eat Pray Love and watched few Youtube videos. I called it a day.

It was a good day yesterday. Would I want to continue this routine? Yes I think so, for now. Somehow I feel the sense of time. I feel I controlled time, not vice versa. Not the feeling that you worked then got surprised that few hours just passed. I love intense work, but not to the point I lost sense of time.

